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Everybody loves chocolate. We wonder about its fascinating origin, we fantasize about its mysterious powers, we love all stories about it, not to mention even the sheer delight of eating it.

On this luxury version of the Chocolate Tour, we plunge into the history of
chocolate and how it found its way to this part of the world. You will find out everything on this precious elixir that was used as a currency in the world of Aztecs and Maya’s, as a strong medicine in the 16th century and as an aphrodisiac at the court of powerful kings and emperors.Opening Marcolini 2015 (4)

Carolien will tell (chocolate) tales and stories about Casanova, Madame de Sevigné, Charles V, Madame de Pompadour, Louis XIII yes, even about
George Bush. You will learn why it’s good to eat chocolate and how it can protect you from danger.mary groepje

Part of the tour is of course dedicated to the history of the “praline” (filled chocolate). This Belgian invention from 1912 made our country world famous.

The tour will be crowned by a delicious tasting of a sigridspinnox.com-1Chocoholic Deluxe in the first Chocolate Cafe in Antwerp, Gunther Watté* right in the historic heart of the city.

Carolien will take you behind the scenes to the workshop where all chocolates are handmade by a ‘maitre chocolatier’.

At the end of the tour, every participant receives a goody bag with maskerchocolate products to enjoy at home.

  • From Tuesday till Saturday
  • Duration: 2,5 hours
  • Price: 45euro pp based on a minimum of 15 participants.

Info and reservation, click here.

Not that much time on your hands?
Check out the regular version of this tour, ‘Chocolate in Antwerpen

Only have one hour to spend? Check out the “Chocolat tour ‘light




* Depends on availability. Alternative location possible.